
Last version is 0.2 released on 21 November 2006

EzSticky is a simple wordpress plugin that can show post’s excerpt of specified category.
Category tagged as “sticky” is default, i suggest to create it.

Installation: Copy the above code, put it in your /wp-content/plugins/ directory and activate through the administration panel.

Usage: put the function anywhere in the template and add these lines to your css ( if you like it … )

Example: For an example of EzSticky in action, see my blog’s homepage

Alternative: Some clever people have written other plugins that do similar things:

  • Easy Announcement
    An easy way to display announcement on your site without have to edit your theme file.


  • v0.2
  • add sticky_cat param for change category filter selection
  • add $wpdb before table name
  • add some comments
  • v0.1
  • Initial release

Any suggestion are welcome.



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