links for 2006-01-03

  • This form will allow you to encode your e-mail address through the use of Character Entities, transforming your ascii email address into its equivalent decimal entity.
    (tags: web html tools)
  • Lo spunto è un provocatorio articolo di David Baron: Overuse of floats considered harmful (l’abuso dei float è da considerare dannoso). Ecco la traduzione di alcuni passaggi chiave:
  • Scopo di questa guida è illustrare in modo semplice ed accessibile, anche a chi non ha una grande dimestichezza con gli aspetti più complessi dell’informatica, quali possibilità offre OpenOffice, nella versione 2.0, di leggere, modificare, integrare, s
  • The concept started as a very simple table comprising of 5 major distributions and the chart only compared a few features and a few package versions. I have kept adding more distributions, features and packages. At that stage, I decided to share the table
  • This is a web service for managing long, cumbersome URLs. By using url(x), you can more easily share a permanent,1 redirecting URL with others via email, IRC, or anywhere else you might need to keep things concise.
    (tags: web utility)
  • list of 50 storage services that are absolutely free and require no e-mail registration to use. Included in the list are file size limits, download limits and the amount of time the file remains on the server for download.

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